Your life could depend on your smoke alarm maintenance.
So much depends on your smoke alarms functioning properly. Sure they are over-sensitive at times, and it’s most likely you only hear from yours when your pot roast is burning or your oven is in need of a good deep clean, but smoke detectors save lives! It’s important that you keep yours in excellent condition. We hope you never need it, but if you do, you want it in tip top shape, so follow this important maintenance advice:
1 – Replace your batteries every year. No matter what.
Many people wait until the ear-piercing warning sound to change the batteries in their smoke alarms, but you really shouldn’t wait that long. Always change your batteries once a year. A good way to do this is choose a national holiday like Labor Day to remind yourself it’s time to switch the batteries out. Even if you think there is life left in the batteries inside your alarm, replace them. If they have some juice left, the batteries you remove can be used to operate some other less critical household device.
2 – Vacuum your smoke alarm once a year to remove dust.
Your smoke detectors have important work to do, and it is vital that they be kept clean and able to function correctly. They need to be cleaned and vacuumed once a year to remove dust or other airborne debris than may impede function.
Your family’s safety is dependent on regular smoke alarm maintenance.
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